Mark NeJame on the Defense Against Casey Anthony Legal Team

Orlando attorney Mark NeJame went on the defense against Casey Anthony’s lawyers, responding to claims they made earlier in the week about him. NeJame has accused Anthony’s defense team, specifically Jose Baez, of acting in “bad faith” in pursuing records from his client, Texas EquuSearch, which organized volunteer searches for Caylee Anthony. NeJame and Anthony’s defense team have fought over the release of Texas EquuSearch’s records related to the volunteers who helped look for Caylee.

Earlier this week, Anthony defense attorneys Jose Baez and Cheney Mason blasted NeJame in their own court filing. They claimed NeJame solicited the Anthony family, thwarted defense efforts and approached a writer  to collaborate on a book about the case.

To read the latest documents released by NeJame, click here.

10 thoughts on “Mark NeJame on the Defense Against Casey Anthony Legal Team

  1. I think Mark Nejame is a class act and has his act together. I think Mark said it well! when he said that a seasoned attorney would have tried to get a deal for his client. I guess we can infer that he didnt because he is stil green behind the ears and is anxious to make a name for himself. Makes me wonder how many disgrunted clients are sitting in prison because he did it his way.

  2. Mr. Nejame is a class act, and he is very CORRECT in saying “a seasoned attorney would have tried to get a deal for his client”. A unqualified attorney will fight it, regardless of what his client is facing….cuz it is all about Baez. LOL….

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